Friday, March 9, 2012

My ideal friend...

My ideal friend is......
Someone who knows me,
better than anyone else;
A person I long to be with,
and someone who lets me know
that I'm not alone.

My ideal friend is......
A friend I love to laugh with
and believe in...
Someone whose spirit is
an uplifting present,
and whose smile 
makes me happy
and means so much to me.

My ideal friend is...
Someone I'm thankful for
with every grateful feeling inside of me...

My dear and precious friend,

I want you to know 
how much it has meant to me
having you as my friend.

I know that if i need
my mood lightened, a secret kept,
a story to shared, advise given,
a success celebrated...

I can always count on you.
I'm always happy when new friends come into my life

But Old friends, 
are always best friends.

I know that's true because of you...

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